Weber State University is continually working to make it easier for students to access information and receive the assistance they need. Students may apply for admission and access registration, transcripts, and a lot more online at Academic advisement, admissions, registration and other enrollment services are also provided at the Davis Campus. Class schedule information for specific semesters is available online at
Information on records, grading and transcripts; academic standards and eligibility; credit by examination or petition; and graduation requirements is provided in this catalog under the Academic Info & Policies .
Admissions Director: Scott Teichert
Associate Director of Admissions: Andrew Young
Location: Student Service Center, Room 201 and Room 210
Telephone: 801-626-6050
Internet Address:
The Office of Admissions encourages future students to reach their educational dreams by providing exceptional service and personal support through the exploration, application, acceptance, transfer, orientation and initial enrollment processes.
Location: Student Service Center, Room 210
Telephone: 801-626-6050
Admissions Advisors and staff help future students navigate the admission process and provide general information on transferring from another institution, scholarships, programs and majors. Additionally, staff regularly visit high schools and community colleges to inform students, educators, and parents of the educational programs and opportunities available at Weber State University.
Members of the Office of Admissions, including Student Ambassadors, provide campus tours and regularly host campus visit opportunities. Campus visits may be scheduled through the Office of Admissions by calling 801-626-6050 or by visiting
Location: Student Service Center, Room 201
Telephone/Appointments: 801-626-6050
Internet Address:
Transfer Guide:
Transfer students are strongly encouraged to contact the Office of Admissions for valuable information and assistance while making the transition to Weber State University. This office provides advisement on transferring courses and general education requirements, information on admission, scholarships and financial aid, and more. In addition, students can learn how a course might transfer to Weber State from another school by exploring the transfer guide on the Office of Admissions website.
NOTE: The Office of Admissions does not determine how courses will transfer; those decisions are made by academic departments. To see how your credits will transfer, first check the transfer guide to see if an equivalency has already been established. If an equivalent course does not exist, students may either submit the transfer request form on the transfer guide website or apply for admission providing official transcripts.
Before students may take classes at Weber State University, they must first be admitted. To apply for admission a student must submit a completed application for admission, a $30 non-refundable processing fee and official high school/college transcripts to the WSU Admissions Office located in the Student Service Center, Room 201. This may also be done by mail:
Weber State University
Admissions Office
3885 West Campus Drive Dept. 1137
Ogden, UT 84408-1137
Students can complete an online application by going to
For more information visit the above Internet address or call 801-626-6050.
Specific guidelines for international students are described below.
Acceptance letters are sent to students for the academic semester indicated on their application. A student must inform the Office of Admissions if they wish to begin school in a semester earlier than that listed on his/her acceptance letter.
Important: All information submitted for admission will be kept on file for 6 months. If applicants do not enroll within 6 months, the information will be destroyed.
Students will be considered freshmen if they meet any of the following criteria:
Students who have attended another college or university after high school graduation, and have completed the equivalent of at least 30 semester credit hours, will be considered a transfer student.
Students who have completed fewer than 30 semester hours will be considered freshman (see above). These students will also receive transfer credit based on the guidelines below.
Weber State University accepts transfer credit from regionally accredited colleges and universities. Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS) degrees earned at any higher education institution accredited by one of the following six regional accrediting associations (recognized by the U.S. Department of Education) will satisfy all general education core and breadth requirements provided the granting institution was regionally accredited at the time the degree was awarded.
Transfer credit for college courses that are remedial or developmental will not be transferred to WSU. Credit will be carried on the student’s transcript by WSU but may not apply toward certain degree requirements. WSU Academic Departments will evaluate and determine whether the transfer credits will be acceptable toward their major or minors.
For students who are transferring from a non-regionally accredited institution, please refer to Credit by Examination or Petition in Academic Information .
The Interstate Passport enables successful transfer of a block of lower-level general education learning to other institutions participating in the Interstate Passport Network. Students who complete their Passport at Weber State University will not be required to repeat or take additional course work to meet lower-division general education requirements in the Passport’s nine areas when they transfer to any other Passport institution. Weber State University will begin transcripting the Interstate Passport following the Spring 2017 semester. Students with an interest in achieving the Passport should see our website at and contact their Advisor.
International applicants with no prior college or university credit will be considered for admission by submitting evidence of the U.S. equivalent of a high school diploma. International applicants who have attended a U.S. college or university and have at least 30 semester hours and a 2.0 GPA will be considered a transfer student.
The following must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the start of the semester in which the applicant plans to enroll.
Bank Statement or a Bank Letter: Indicating the required funds are available for use. This document may NOT be faxed or printed from the internet; it must be printed on bank letter head with a signature and stamp from a bank official. The bank statement or letter may be from any banking institution in the world. Please make sure that the amount being verified by the bank is listed in U.S. dollars ($).
NOTE: If you are transferring from a school outside of the U.S., you will be considered a freshman until your credential evaluation report is received and entered into your student record by the WSU Admissions office. If you wish to receive credit for college/university course work completed outside the U. S., you will need to send your transcripts to a credential evaluation company accepted by WSU. You may view a list of accepted credential evaluation companies at Please request that the course by course evaluation be sent to the WSU International Student and Scholar Center.
International Graduate Applicants: If you wish to apply for a graduate program at WSU, you will need to apply for admission with the graduate program in addition to applying to the University as an international student. You will need to meet the graduate program’s admission requirements and the International Student admission requirements before you will be issued an I-20.
TOEFL or IELTS Requirements: A TOEFL or IELTS score is not required for admission to WSU. However if an official score report with the following minimum scores is provided, the student will not be required to take Learning English for Academic Purposes (LEAP) courses.
Minimum placement scores: |
TOEFL Internet Based Score: 61 or higher |
TOEFL Paper Based Score: 500 or higher |
IELTS Score: 6.0 or higher, with a minimum of 5.0 on each subscale |
If a TOEFL or IELTS score is not provide or the score is below the required score, you will be required to take a placement test to determine your English proficiency level.
International students must attend fall and spring semesters and take at least 12 credit hours each semester. All international students are required to meet with an International Student advisor immediately after arriving on campus to receive individualized guidance. The International Student advisor gives assistance to students in meeting U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement requirements concerning visas, passports, permits, permission to work, and related matters. Students are also assisted in making academic, social, and environmental adjustments to campus and community life.
International students must carry medical insurance while studying in the U.S.
WSU offers the following graduate programs. More information is available at
To apply to a graduate program all individuals must contact the graduate program for specific admissions requirements. The following items must be provided to the specific graduate program office:
Admission to a graduate program at Weber State University is based on the applicant’s academic ability, past performance and evidence of a reasonable chance of success within that program. Selection for admission is made without regard to race, color, ethnic background, national origin, religion, creed, age, lack of American citizenship, disability, status of veteran of the Vietnam era, sexual orientation or preference or gender.
Admission is competitive and solely at the discretion of the graduate program to which the applicant has applied: meeting minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission. Minimum requirements for admission to a Weber State University graduate program are as follows:
Note: Individual graduate programs may have additional requirements. Information concerning admission to and requirements for these programs is located in the sections of this catalog for the colleges indicated above.
Certain programs of study require an additional acceptance process into the major beyond admission to the institution. Upon successful completion of required prerequisites, students may apply for formal acceptance into the program, which may include a competitive selection process. More detailed information is available in this catalog under the Acceptance Requirements listed for each program. Students should contact the academic department responsible for the program in which they are interested in more information about specific acceptance and/or prerequisite requirements.
New freshmen students, and transfer students with fewer than 30 semester credit hours, will be admitted to the University on the basis of the following:
Applicants who are not high school graduates must present evidence of high school equivalency to be considered for admission. High school equivalency may be satisfied in one of the following ways:
Transfer students will be admitted to the University on the basis of the following:
Transfer students with a cumulative GPA below 2.00 will be referred to the Admissions Committee and may be considered for admission to WSU on warning or probation according to the current Academic Standards policy.
An information sheet highlighting grounds for appeals to admission decisions is available at the WSU Admissions Office.
The Admissions Office classifies all applicants as either resident or non-resident based on information from the application for admission. Applicants whose credentials indicate out-of-state status are classified as non-residents. If there is doubt concerning resident status, an applicant is classified as a non-resident.
Non-residents who have reason to believe they can qualify for resident status should file a residency application with the Admissions Office. Applications are accepted only until the end of the third week of the current semester. Any application received after the third week will be considered for the following semester only.
Residency applications are available online at Each application will be considered in accordance with the provisions of Utah Code Annotated 53B-8-102 and Utah State Board of Regents Policy and Procedures R-512 and WSU PPM 6-01.
Upon admission to Weber State University, Math and English course placement is determined based on students’ prior academic performance and test results. Fees may be charged for assessment tests and/or tutoring. Students may enroll in courses for which they meet the prerequisites. For specific information about placement, visit
The Weber State University Concurrent Enrollment Program allows eligible high school juniors and seniors to fulfill both high school and university graduation requirements at the same time by attending WSU-approved high school classes taught by WSU approved teachers. These classes match the WSU course content and student performance criteria. These students, though not officially matriculated at WSU, still create a WSU official permanent transcript. WSU academic department representatives work closely with these teachers to provide professional development opportunities as well as to assure WSU standards are maintained.
Location: Student Service Center, Room 140 OR Davis Campus, Building D2, Suite 241
Telephone: 801-395-3480
Early College allows students to fulfill both high school and university graduation requirements at the same time by attending classes at the university while they are still in high school. University faculty teach classes, and the credits/grades from the Early College program become part of the student’s permanent WSU transcript. Students are responsible for the university tuition and fees, although scholarships are available. Utah colleges and most out-of-state and private universities will accept Early College credits.
Location: Student Service Center, Room 140
Telephone: 801-626-6752
Internet Address:
The First Year Experience (FYE) Program is designed to help incoming students make a successful transition into the university community. The program assists students in making progress toward fulfilling the following educational and personal goals:
The FYE Program is further explained below.
Location: Library, Room 324
Telephone: 801-626-7591
The Honors Program is designed to offer students of superior ability and motivation opportunities to broaden and enrich their academic program and accelerate their preparation for graduate work.
Location: Student Services Center, Room 201
Telephone: 801-626-6743
Utah residents age 62 and over are permitted to enroll on a tuition-free, audit basis. Senior citizens will be required to complete an application for admission and register at the Registration Office on or after the first day of class. Where applicable, senior citizens will be charged a fee for use of consumable materials. A $10 per semester administrative fee will be charged and enrollment is limited to space availability.
Director: Jed W. Spencer
Location: Student Service Center, Room 120
Telephone: 801-626-7569
Internet Address:
WSU awards scholarships for academic excellence or specific activities as described below. Unless otherwise specified, all scholarships are for one year and are not renewable. New freshmen students are automatically considered for academic scholarships upon being admitted to the University. Students should complete the Specialized Scholarship Application to apply for non-academic scholarships by December 1st. It is important to apply early; the online application becomes available on September 1st each year.
An award may be canceled if the Award Offer is not accepted within the specified time period.
The priority deadline for scholarships is: | ||
Continuing Students | December 1st | |
New Freshman | December 1st | |
Transfer Students | March 1st |
Students may only have up to full tuition in academic and activity waiver combined.
Scholarships include the Presidential Aletheia Scholarship (8 consecutive semesters of tuition waiver and general fees); Trustees, Deans, Merit, Opportunity, and Concurrent Enrollment Edge.These
Scholarships are a four year award (8 semesters, or until graduation with a Bachelor’s degree) and may consist of up to full tuition, and are generally based upon an index score (determined by the high school cumulative grade point average and the composite ACT/SAT score - see the Scholarship Index Score Chart). Sterling Scholar winners is a one year award.
The Academic Distinction Scholarship is awarded based upon cumulative GPA and completion of 30 hours of college credit.
Scholarships are based upon WSU cumulative GPA. A minimum of 12 semester credit hours at Weber State University is required for this category. Scholarships include High Honors, Honors, and Achievement.
Activity scholarships are one-year awards waiving up to full tuition, and are based on the student’s abilities or outstanding achievements. Activity scholarships (with the exception of leadership scholarships) may be renewed when the student meets the selection criteria established by the awarding department.
With the exception of leadership, students are required to contact the activity area to get information about specific requirements and auditions. Scholarships are available in the following areas:
Performing Arts - Band, Orchestra, Dance, Theatre Arts, Piano, Vocal. Advise contact prior to January 9, audition only, call 801-626-6437 for more information
Debate - Contact WSU Communication Department, 801-626-8924
Cheerleaders - Contact WSU Athletics, 801-626-6500
Rodeo - Contact Club Sports, 801-626-6476
Signpost - Student newspaper. Contact Signpost, 801-626-7974
KWCR Radio - Contact KWCR, 801-626-6299
Visual Arts - Contact WSU Visual Arts Department, 801-626-6455
Club Sports - Contact Club Sports, 801-626-6476
These scholarships are available only to graduating high school seniors and transfer students. Students are not required to be student body officers to be considered. In addition to the scholarship application, students applying for a leadership scholarship must meet the following requirements:
Students must apply for admissions/scholarships by the 2nd Monday in January. Portfolios are due February 1 - Send to: Sheldon Cheshire, Student Involvement & Leadership Programs, 2102 University Circle, Ogden, UT 84408-2102.
Privately funded scholarships are awarded according to the donor’s specifications, which can be major-specific (often referred to as departmental scholarships), need based or special conditions. To apply for private donor scholarships, complete the Specialized and Scholarship Application by the priority date of December 1.
Out of state students are eligible for tuition incentive programs or academic waivers. Tuition incentive programs include: Alumni Legacy, the Western Undergraduate Exchange Program, and the 100 mile radius scholarship. Academic Waivers include Mt. Ogden, Golden Spike, and Waterfall Canyon for new freshman and Ben Lomond, Skyline Trail, Antelope Island and Malan’s Peak for transfer students. Nonresident waivers cannot be combined with tuition incentive programs. Current information for each program can be found on WSU website at
Academic nonresident scholarships for new freshmen students are determined based on index score (high school GPA and ACT/SAT test scores). Academic nonresident scholarships for transfer students will be determined by cumulative transfer GPA.
The Alumni Legacy Program allows children or grandchildren of non-resident Weber State alumni to pay in-state tuition. This scholarship pays the out-of- state portion of tuition and fees for students who live in on-campus housing.
Non-resident students living within 100 highway miles of WSU are eligible to apply for this tuition reduction. It will pay one-half of the difference between resident and nonresident tuition charges.
For undergraduate students from Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington and Wyoming. This program offers a reduced tuition level to 150% of Weber’s resident tuition.
New freshman International students who have not attended another Utah System of Higher Education may apply for a 4 year award (8 semesters, or until graduation with a bachelor’s degree) and is dependent on a GPA or grade profile that is unique to each country - Transfer students with 30 or more college credits may apply for a 3 year award (6 semesters, or until graduation with a bachelor’s degree) and will be determined by transfer GPA. International scholarships include Louis F Moench, H. Aldous Dixon, Aaron W. Tracy and William P. Miller.
Scholarship deferment requests must be submitted at
![]() |
Director: Jed W. Spencer
Location: Student Services Center, Room 120
Telephone: 801-626-7569
Internet Address:
The Financial Aid Program was established to assist students in achieving their educational goals. The following sources of financial aid are available for eligible students:
Grants - Funds that are considered gifts and do not have to be repaid if Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is maintained.
Student Loans - Funds that are loaned to students and must be repaid with interest.
Work-Study - Employment opportunities that allow students to earn funds to help pay for school.
Each form of financial aid has different regulations. The following is only a brief summary of the financial aid process. Students desiring financial aid should contact the Financial Aid & Scholarship Office as early as possible for guidance and assistance. The priority deadline for financial aid is April 1.
Grants are gifts that do not have to be repaid if Satisfactory Academic Progress is maintained. All grants require a minimum overall GPA of 2.00 by the end of a student’s fourth semester. All grants require that the student demonstrate a financial need, as determined by the FAFSA. The types of grants available are:
Federal Pell Grant - Available to undergraduate students. For the 2020-2021 aid year, awards may range up to $3,173 per semester.
Federal SEOG (Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant) - Awarded to help undergraduates pay for their education after high school. Awards may range up to $400 per semester.
Loans are aid that must be repaid with interest. The types of loan programs available are:
This program provides jobs for undergraduate and graduate students who meet the basic eligibility requirements for financial aid and demonstrate financial need. Jobs are available both on-campus and off-campus. To see a listing of all jobs available visit, select “Search Jobs” in the left menu, then Position Type “Hourly.” Work study jobs will be defined in the job description as federal work study or FWS.
Students should first determine if they are eligible for financial aid. Refer to General Eligibility Requirements above. The priority application deadline is April 1; this does not guarantee receipt of any specific type(s) of grants. Applications received after the deadline will be processed as quickly as possible with no guarantee that the award will be ready to meet fall semester tuition and fees payment deadlines.
The WSU FINANCIAL AID CODE IS 003680. This code will be needed to complete your FAFSA application online at . All other applications and forms are available online at
Students are advised to apply online at . Applications will go through a Federal “needs analysis.” The ability of a student and the student’s family to contribute, as well as other resources, will determine the need for financial assistance. Students will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) which will provide information on the expected family contribution and financial need.
Once a student’s FAFSA is sent to Weber State University, it will be reviewed in the order it was received. As part of the review, our office may require additional information which may include, but is not limited to, official academic transcripts, tax return transcripts, marriage documentation, citizenship documentation, and/or emancipation documentation.
Students will be notified through their Wildcat Mail of additional requirements. If a student feels that their FAFSA does not accurately reflect their situation, they should contact a Financial Aid Advisor.
When a student’s file is complete, an award notice will be emailed to the student, directing them to their student portal. Students can view/accept their award(s) through the eWeber student portal, under Award Information.
An award may be canceled if the Award Offer is not accepted within the specified time period.
In order to receive financial aid, students must meet qualitative and quantitative academic standards.
In addition to the University’s standards, all students who receive financial aid must maintain at least a “C” average overall GPA (2.00) by the end of their fourth semester. This includes transfer work. Students not meeting this requirement will be disqualified from financial aid until they bring their overall GPA to the minimum requirement.
Students who receive financial aid must satisfactorily complete (receive grades other than I, T, W, UW, NC, E, or AU) at least 67% of their attempted credits, on a semester-by-semester and overall basis.
Students who receive financial aid must also complete their program of study within 150% of their program length. For example, a student in a bachelor’s program that requires 126 credits will need to complete their program within 189 attempted credit hours. A student in an associate’s degree that requires 62 credits will need to complete their program within 94 attempted credits. A student in a certificate program that requires 30 credits will need to complete their program within 45 attempted credits.
Any exceptions to these requirements must be approved by the Financial Aid & Scholarship Petition Committee (see Petitions and Reinstatement of Aid).
Students who receive financial aid and complete less than the minimum number of credit hours required by their award level will be put on financial aid denial or warning.
Please be aware that any time a student drops a class, there will be financial aid consequences.
Credit hours transferred from other colleges/universities will be included in the total hour eligibility for Satisfactory Academic Progress whether or not financial aid was received at the other institution(s).
If students change their program of study, credit hours completed for the previous major or majors will still be included in the total number of hours for financial aid eligibility even though the credit hours may or may not satisfy program requirements for the new major. If a student cannot complete their program within the maximum time frame for their program (150% of credits needed for graduation), their financial aid will be denied.
Students who are denied financial aid, but who experienced extenuating circumstances, may petition to have their denial removed. Petitions include 1) a letter from the student 2) documentation of their circumstance and 3) a graduation plan. All petitions are reviewed by the Financial Aid & Scholarship Petition Committee.
For students who do not have extenuating circumstances, or whose petition is denied, can regain financial aid eligibility by paying for their courses with other funding until they meet the completion rate and GPA Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements.
Programs must be completed within the maximum time frame.
Withdrawals will negatively affect your satisfactory academic progress calculation. If you completely withdraw from school, you may be required to return a portion, if not all, of the financial aid awarded for the semester.
If you are dropping some, but not all of your classes, make sure you know how this could affect your Pell Grant.
Federal regulations require your eligibility for aid to be recalculated whenever you withdraw from the university, either officially or unofficially. The recalculation determines the amount of aid you have “earned” by prorating according to the percent of the term completed before withdrawing.
After the 60% point in the semester or period of enrollment, you are considered to have earned 100% of the Title IV funds you were scheduled to receive during that period.
The Financial Aid and Scholarship Office will use the withdraw date recorded in the Registrar’s Office as your official withdrawal date from the university. In the case of unofficial withdraws (i.e. dropped courses, UW grades, and/or retroactive withdrawals), your last date of attendance is reported by the instructor. When such a date can’t be determined, the midpoint of the semester is used as your last date of attendance.
A repayment of aid is required when the actual amount of aid disbursed is greater than the amount earned, as determined by the recalculation. The university will return funds to the Title IV Program on your behalf when you owe an overpayment, and the university will consider the returned funds as your debt to the institution.
If the overpayment is not repaid by the end of the semester:
A post-withdrawal disbursement will be made if you had eligibility for the Title IV funds (essentially earning more aid than was disbursed.) If you are entitled to a post-withdrawal disbursement:
A school must return Title IV funds to the programs from which you received aid during the semester as soon as possible, but no later than 45 days after the date it determines you withdrew. Funds are returned in the following order, as applicable.
Example 1: Withdrawal Date: February 23, 2016
You initially received $1,979 in Direct Unsubsidized Loan and $1,155 in Direct Subsidized Loan. You attended 44% of the term, so the repayment amount, which must be repaid immediately, is calculated to be $1,121. Your revised award is $858 in Direct Unsubsidized Loan and $1,155 in Direct Subsidized Loan.
Example 2: Withdrawal Date: March 22, 2016
You initially received $1,484 in Direct Unsubsidized Loan, $2226 in Direct Subsidized Loan, and $1,381 in Pell Grant. You attended 62% of the term, so no repayment is required. You are allowed to keep all the aid initially awarded.
The cost of attending Weber State University includes direct educational costs such as tuition, fees, books and supplies, as well as living costs such as room and board. Below is a table that gives an approximate budget for students attending the 2018-2019 fall and spring semesters. Students should use this only as an estimate when planning their education expenses.
In-state (Utah residents)* | Out-of state (non-resident)* | |
Tuition and Fees (2 semesters) | $6,106 | $16,288 |
Misc. Expenses | $3000 | $3000 |
Books (estimated) | $1,400 | $1,400 |
Room & Board ** (on-campus housing) | $7,380 | $7,380 |
*Based on attending full time for 2 semesters. Please note that these amounts are from last year. Graduate tuition and fees vary by program. Current tuition and fee amounts by credit hour load are published on the web at
**Room and board can vary greatly depending on whether or not students live in the dorms and what meal plan they select.
Director: Leslie Park | |
Location: Student Services Center, Room 140 | |
Telephone: 801-626-6752 | |
Internet Address: | |
Email: |
Weber State University’s Student Success Center provides student-centered programs focused on retention and persistence to graduation. The Center’s dedicated staff provides academic advisement to students pursuing an Associate of Arts or Science in General Studies, and oversees programs on multiple WSU campuses supporting academic skills training, early college access, and academic interventions. Student Success Center programs support students throughout their academic journey from orientation to graduation as part of the University’s mission to offer excellent educational experiences to all students. The Student Success Center is also responsible for the administration of the Early College Program, Concurrent Enrollment Advisement, the First Year Experience Program (FYE), New Student Orientation, Starfish Early Alert, the Bounce Back Program, and the Academic Advising Referral Service.
Office hours at Ogden Campus (Student Services Center, Room 140)
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday
Please call 801-626-6752 for an appointment
Office hours at Davis Campus (D2, Room 241)
8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday
Please call 801-395-3480 for an appointment
Office hours at West Center
Hours and days vary, please call 801-626-6752 for an appointment
Location: Student Service Center, Room 140
Telephone: 801-626-6752
Internet Address:
All students new to WSU are required to complete New Student Orientation (NSO). Students must complete NSO through their eWeber Portal and will become familiar with:
The Weber Welcome is an optional event that students are highly encouraged to attend. This experience will help connect students with student leaders, faculty and staff, and resources, easing the transition into the WSU community. Students are invited to attend this event as they complete the NSO requirement.
Location: Student Services Center, Room 140 |
Telephone: 801-626-6752 |
Email: |
Internet Address: |
The First Year Experience (FYE) Program is designed to help incoming students make a successful transition into the university community. The program assists students in making progress toward fulfilling the following educational and personal goals:
To aid students in achieving these goals, the FYE Program includes the following components:
Any WSU student with 30 hours or fewer is welcome to participate in the program by taking UNIV 1105 .
Contact: Department Office for Major and Minor
All degree-seeking students must select a program of study. When students declare their program of study, they indicate their degree, major, (and minor if applicable), and catalog year. To declare or change a program of study, students should contact the department office of their chosen major and minor. To declare an associate’s degree in general studies, students should contact the Student Success Center.
Deputy Registrar: Ms. Cori Horne
Registration Office: Ms. Corinne Bigler
Location: Student Services Center, Room 101
Telephone: 801-626-6100
Internet Address:
Email Address:
The University offers classes during fall, spring, and summer semesters. Students must register each semester to attend classes. Class schedule information for specific semesters is available on the WSU home page ( The web-based class schedule provides information about the dates and times classes are offered for the selected semester. See the Academic Calendar of this catalog for registration dates and beginning and ending dates for each semester.
To register for classes, new students should:
* To log in, go to and enter your Wildcat Username and password.
A Wildcat ID and password are required before registering online in your eWeber student portal. You can sign up for a Wildcat ID online at For assistance contact Computing Support at 801-626-7777.
To register for classes, continuing students should:
* To log in, go to, and enter your Wildcat Username and password.
A Wildcat ID and password are required before registering online in your eWeber student portal. You can sign up for a Wildcat ID online at For assistance contact Computing Support at 801-626-7777.
Once appointment registration is complete, “open registration” continues and all students are allowed access to register and/or make changes to their class schedules on a first-come-first-served basis.
The basic objective of credit/no credit grading is to allow students the opportunity to enroll in classes outside their major or minor on a pass (CR)/ fail (NC) basis without affecting their GPA. The following rules apply:
The basic objective of taking a class as audit is to allow students the opportunity to attend a class without earning either a grade or credit for the class.
Weber State University is registered as a Private Institution with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education pursuant to sections 136A.61 to 136A.71. Registration is not an endorsement of the institution. Credits earned at the institution may not transfer to all other institutions.
New Freshmen | Students with 0 earned credit hours |
Advanced Freshmen | Students with 1-29 credit hours |
Sophomores | Students with 30-59 credit hours |
Juniors | Students with 60-89 credit hours |
Seniors | Students with 90 credit hours or more |
Graduates | Students who have previously received a bachelor’s degree |
0001-0999 | Non-credit, Developmental (ND) (do not satisfy degree requirements and are non-transferable) |
1000-2999 | Lower division |
3000-4999 | Upper division |
5000-5999 | Post-baccalaureate |
6000-6999 | Graduate (Master’s Degree) |
Individual course descriptions are listed within each departmental section.
In addition to classes taught on the main campus, course work is also available at several off-campus locations including:
WSU Davis Campus, 2750 University Park Blvd, Layton
WSU Morgan Center, 241 E. Young St., Morgan
WSU West Center, 5627 S. 3500 W., Roy
Clearfield High School, 938 S. 1000 E., Clearfield
Davis Area Technical College, 550 E. 300 S., Kaysville
Kaysville Center at Davis High School, 325 South Main, Kaysville
Roy High, 2150 W. 4800 S., Roy
Salt Lake Community College, 4600 Redwood Rd., Salt Lake City
Bursar: Michael Richter
Location: Miller Administration, Room 204
Cashiers’ Office: Student Services Center, second floor (SC 209)
Telephone: 801-626-8006
Internet Address:
Weber State University reserves the right to assess tuition and fees as approved by the Board of Regents. Current policies, procedures, tuition and fee tables, payment deadlines, refund schedules and other important information are available at (click on the link for Tuition and Fee Tables).
Tuition and fees are established each year in late spring. Current tuition and fees will be posted on the Internet at
Full-time undergraduate resident students at Weber State University paying a semester of tuition and fees amount of $2,384 contribute an estimated 59% of the full cost of instruction of $4,041. The remaining support of $1,657 is provided by state tax funds.
Weber State University does not drop courses for non-payment or non-attendance. Students are responsible for dropping courses they do not plan to attend. Tuition and fees will not be waived for nonattendance. Once registered, each student is obligated to pay for their courses unless the student has dropped courses or the student completes a total withdraw from school during the 100% refund period. If a student drops or completely withdraws from school after the 100% refund period, the student is obligated to pay tuition and fees according to the current semester refund schedule. Also, a student must pay for or drop courses by the payment deadline to avoid late fees and interest. (See Withdrawal for further information.)
Refer to for tuition and fee information for WSU Online and Independent Study courses, or call 1-800-848-7770 and choose “Online & Independent Study Student Services” from the phone menu.
Some courses require additional fees for materials and/or resources.
Rentals and/or deposits are required on certain items and are paid to the Cashier. Any applicable refunds must be obtained from the Cashier prior to June 30.
In 2003 the Utah State Board of Regents passed a policy designed to encourage students to make reasonable progress toward completion of degree requirements. The policy states that students who exceed 135% of the credits required for completion of their baccalaureate degree will be charged the full cost of instruction. For example, a student whose program of study requires 126 semester credit hours will be allowed a maximum of 170 semester hours in which to complete degree requirements (126 credits x 1.35 = 170 credit hours). Any work beyond the allowed 135% will be charged at the full cost of instruction.
Credit hours that do not count toward the 170 hours are concurrent enrollment, advanced placement, and credit by examination. Individuals are also exempt from the surcharge if:
More information is available by contacting the Cashier’s Office at 801-626-8006 (SC 209).
When a student registers for courses at Weber State University the student agrees to the terms of the “Agreement to Pay Tuition Charges.” The agreement states:
In consideration of the University’s allowing me to register for courses, thus incurring the attendant costs to the University, both direct and indirect, I promise to pay Weber State University (WSU), Ogden, Utah, tuition and fees (principal) assessed to me for courses for which I have registered by the published payment due date for each semester. Also, I agree to pay for any additional fees and interest charges that are assessed to my account each semester. I hereby agree to pay a late payment fee of $40 if my account balance is not paid by the published payment due date, together with interest at the rate of 12% per annum on the unpaid balance. In the event I default on this agreement and it becomes necessary to place this account for collection, I also agree to pay collection fees, not to exceed 50.00% of the original principal balance, plus any court and/or attorney fees resulting from the enforcement of this agreement. Any collection costs stated above are in addition to the principal, fees and interest due on my account. In the event of default of any of the terms of this agreement, I hereby give to the WSU Controller, or his/her designee, Power of Attorney to apply all monies due me from WSU to any delinquent portion of this note until the principal, fees, interest and costs are paid in full. I agree that WSU may repay my account balance from any TITLE IV funds due me. I understand that the principal amount is calculated based on my class-load each semester at WSU. All outstanding tuition account balances are considered qualified educational loans under I.R.C § 221 and are extended with the express understanding that future repayment shall be made to the university. I further understand that my acceptance of these terms represents my acknowledgementand acceptance of my tuition account balance qualifying as a qualified education loan under I.R.C. § 221, and as such, is exempt from discharge under federal bankruptcy code 11 U.S.C. § 523(a)(8).
Tuition and fees statements are available on the eWeber student portal. Electronic statements and up-to-date balances are available in the student account at any time. Students are responsible for viewing up-to-date balance or e-statements in the student account. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure account balances are paid in-full and on-time. A paper billing statement will only be mailed at the student’s request by sending an email to
A late payment fee will be assessed to all students who have not paid their tuition and fees in-full or have not signed up for a monthly payment plan (see for the amount and schedule for assessment of the fee.) If a student has an outstanding balance after their financial aid or scholarships have been applied, the student is responsible to pay this amount by the payment deadline to avoid the late payment fee and interest charges. The late payment fee and interest are nonrefundable and will not be waived.
If a student changes his/her schedule by adding classes, the student has until Friday at 4:00 p.m. of that week to pay the balance or the late payment fee will be assessed to the student account. Students should check their account balance each time a change is made to his/her schedule to determine the new balance due.
Interest will begin the fourth week of the semester. The annual rate is 12%. A student will not be assessed interest as long as the student is in a Monthly Payment Plan that covers all tuition and fees and current on all payments. Interest on unpaid balances will be assessed in addition to the late payment fee.
The Monthly Payment Plan is a program intended to help students who are not able to pay their account in full by the tuition and fee deadline. Instead of one large payment, tuition and fees are broken down into equal monthly payments. Enrollment in a plan is available at the time of registration prior to beginning of each semester. See for details about monthly payment plans.
Personal checks or eChecks returned by a financial institution for any reason are subject to a service charge and may result in the withholding of student records and/or dropping of courses.
Students with unpaid tuition and fees, room and board, parking fines, or other fees due to the University will have a hold placed on their records until such obligations are paid in full. The hold will prevent the student from registering for future semesters, viewing transcripts or grades, delay graduation, and limit use of the Wildcard and certain student services.
Unpaid accounts will be processed by University collections. A collection fee of ten percent of the outstanding balance will be assessed to the student. Interest and monthly collection fees will also be assessed on any unpaid balance. In the event additional collection efforts become necessary, WSU may refer a past due account to an outside collection agency. All delinquent accounts are subject to collection fees, interest, plus all court costs and reasonable attorney fees. The collection agency and/or WSU will report delinquent accounts to a credit reporting agency.
Students are responsible for ensuring that appropriate documentation for third party/sponsored payments is submitted to the main cashier’s office prior to the start of classes each semester. Students must comply with the terms of the agreement and verify that all tuition and fees changes are paid by the sponsor agreement. It is the student’s responsibility to verify that any course or tuition and fee changes will be paid by the sponsor and that these changes are reported to the accounts receivable office for proper processing. If the sponsor does not provide funding by the end of the semester, the student will be responsible for payment of tuition and fees. The account will be considered delinquent if unpaid at the end of the semester. (See Delinquent Accounts above.) Contact 801-626-6263 for information on how to submit vouchers or contracts.
The University reserves the right to administratively withdraw a student from a current semester if a student has an unpaid tuition and fee balance from a prior semester or if the student provides a dishonored check or other payment to pay for tuition and fees. The prior semester courses will not be dropped or withdrawn.
Tuition and fee assessment is based on the registration date of the course and date of withdrawal from the course. The withdrawal dates are published on the Academic Calendar each semester. If, due to extenuating or for other acceptable circumstances, the student must drop a course after the published deadline, the student must complete the “Exception to University Policy-Tuition and Fee Assessment Petition” and submit supporting documentation.
Tuition and fees are assessed according to approved tuition and fee tables. The assessment is based on the number of registered credit hours or liable hours for each student. For example, if the student signs up for 12 credit hours, he or she is liable for paying for 12 hours according to the tuition and fee table.
The deadline for filing a petition is the last day of the semester of enrollment. The burden of proof rests with the student to submit documentation of circumstances that prevented the student from adhering to the University policies and procedures. For more information and forms refer to:
Student fees and course fees are refunded based on the University refund schedule (see Late fees and withdrawal fees are nonrefundable. In most cases, if a credit card is used to pay for tuition and fees, refunds and residual funds will be credited to the credit card. Students may opt to have any refund sent electronically to a bank account of their choice by setting up a refund profile at All other refunds will be mailed to the student. Admission fees and recording fees are nonrefundable.
Refunds for dropped courses will be processed after the third week of class.