Updated Legislation Modernizes Child And Family Law

Released on February 12, 2021 Legislation is coming into force on March 1 to ensure modern family relationships are better reflected in Saskatchewan family law. The Children's Law Act, 2020 and The Children's Law Consequential Amendment Act, 2020 expressly consider situations of assisted reproduction, including surrogacy, and permits persons other than biological parents to be legally recognized as a parent. These changes, which passed during the Spring 2020 Session, are based on recommendations made by the Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan.

"Having clear legislation that reflects modern familial structures enables us to act in the best interests of all children," Justice Minister and Attorney General Gordon Wyant said. "This will remove unnecessary obstacles for families and allow parents more flexibility when making personal decisions that affect their children."

The Act also updates parentage provisions to mirror recent amendments to The Divorce Act. This will provide a consistent legal framework for all parenting couples. Additionally, the legislation revises the best interests of a child criteria to better factor in the impact of family violence when determining parenting time, decision-making responsibilities, relocations, and other issues.

The Government of Saskatchewan strives to safeguard the best interests of children and implement legislation that improves the lives of families in our province. -30- For more information, contact: Margherita Vittorelli
Justice and Attorney General
Phone: 306-787-8621
Email: margherita.vittorelli@gov.sk.ca
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