The Federal Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 (MTSA) places stringent security requirements on port authorities and vessel and facility operators.
The MTSA has six key parts. Part 101 is a general discussion of the MTSA, including issues addressed during its development. Part 102 presents requirements for the National Maritime Security plan and Advisory Committee. Part 103 addresses Port Operations and presents a variety of requirements, from identifying the captain of the port (COPT) as the leading authority, to developing an Area Maritime Security Committee to be responsible for port security assessment. Part 104 focuses on Vessel Operation and related security requirements, such as conducting vulnerability assessments, implementing security plans, and identifying a facility security officer. Part 105 addresses facility operations and security requirements. Part 106 pertains to the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), the gently sloping undersea plain between a continent and the deep ocean, and expands OCS facility security issues to include oil and gas platforms. Essentially, the MTSA set mandates for the control of vessel traffic. The MTSA resolves several key security elements within the maritime industry, most notably by designating the line of authority and guiding the creation of organizational structure.